Our video scriptwriters and directors are specialised and experienced in industrial HSE matters. They know how a procedure, skill or method can best be visualised to be effective. And they will always go for the extra creative touch.
The script is conceived in close cooperation with the HSE department, to make sure the safety and environmental content is clearly demonstrated in sight and sound.
Most video shoots take place in the plant locations that the HSE topics relate to, to make sure the trainee or contractor can identify with the visuals. Our video teams have the experience to shoot in industrial sites, including in restricted zones where work & fire permits and other rules apply.
When the shoot cannot be done on location, we offer an in-house green-key studio that allows putting people in any environment.
Mixing and matching footage, graphics & animation and voice-over… it’s the magic that brings the shots to life and creates homogeneous HSE video that sticks.
The tendency to create do-it-yourself videos may be cheaper, but it underestimates the long-term return-on-investment of high image quality, good sound and professional editing. An image speaks louder than words... unless poor quality distracts from the message.
360° VIDEO
For safety or environmental training where the immersion of the trainee or contractor in the work environment provides added value, our video specialists can broaden the view with professional 360° video content.
The result can be part of a VR training or can be used in a traditional e-learning course where the trainee can "look around" in a scene with hot spots that provide extra information. Or the shots can be used in a quiz to select objects or situations.