Content produced by SAFETY24 is widely acclaimed within the industry. Because we have all the required skills in-house, we are unbiased in the selection of the best medium to optimise the knowledge transfer for each safety or environmental learning activity. The resulting content is clear, concise, captivating and interactive.
To achieve all this, SAFETY24 has built an extensive digital production infrastructure and gathered a broad team of senior specialists in design, 2D & 3D animation and professional audio & video production.
Boredom is the enemy of safety e-learning. To keep the trainee or contractor attentive and interested, we integrate many types of interactions, from a simple multiple-choice or drag-and-drop to sophisticated exchanges with video sequences or animations. In addition to the obligatory quiz at the end, we can include intermediate and anticipatory exercises as well.
Depending on the case, we can apply a layered approach with different degrees of difficulty to test the trainees or contractors according to their level.
All course ingredients, graphics, animations, quizzes and exercises come together in the authoring phase, to create a robust, captivating HSE course.
During the development, the customer can assess intermediate versions and provide feedback along the way. The end result is a well-tested course, in all required languages, ready for uploading to the Learning Management System or for distribution via proprietary systems.